our partners

We believe in meaningful collaboration and effective partnerships because of the strength and depth this adds. We’re privileged to work with many organisations and individuals who support our business in many ways from legal and accounting through to banking and insurance as well as specialists services. We look to establish long term relationships which are sustainable and mutually beneficial.

our partners

We have strategic industry partners throughout and work closely with several academic institutions on research and development. Innovation is at the core of what we do and what makes us different.

We are privileged to work with many individuals and organisations who help and support us in many ways. We celebrate the strength and depth this gives the business because we take meaningful collaboration seriously. We look to have lasting relationships with whoever we trade with, ensuring that our agreements are sustainable and mutually supportive.


We also have partnering agreements with many organisations. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has always been important to us, and we have worked closely with the RICS, and the company is a registered firm. Individuals across the business are involved in committee work etc. 

Our energy efficiency work has led to relationships with many companies, such as Sterling Accreditation Scheme. Similarly, we work closely with E-ON in supporting their clients and installers with surveys and ECO compliance under Ofgem rules. Mitie Energy uses our E-Count software as a ‘powered by Lifespan’ white labelled product.

Another important partner is the University of Salford. pt has worked with the School of the Built Environment on many initiatives and research projects. The company has had two two-year knowledge transfer partnerships match-funded by pt.

We are also very proud to be working with the charity, Transforming Lives for Good (TLG).

TLG are here because across the UK today, there are thousands of children who are struggling to cope. Poverty, trauma and exclusion cast long shadows, and for too many the future feels hopeless. TLG is all about helping churches to bring hope and a future to children facing heart-breaking challenges.

In celebrating the news regarding our new charity partners - TLG, here are a few words from our MD, Esther Brady.

"I am delighted to introduce you to our new charity partner, TLG. With our support, TLG can continue its mission of bringing hope and a future to struggling children through early intervention programmes and also holiday clubs that are helping to feed the 4.3 million children in the UK who are experiencing food poverty, particularly during school holidays.

There is a lot of synergy between the charity and our work in the social housing sector. After meeting with the charity, I felt that it was a perfect fit for our business and that we can help make a difference in our endeavours to be good citizens."


from the journal



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